Effective Learning Strategies: Insights from Science

Effective Learning Strategies: Insights from Science

When seeking advice on how to optimize learning, you might encounter a variety of suggestions from teachers, parents, and peers. These tips can be based on personal experiences, observations, or scientific research.

In How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens, Benedict Carey provides evidence-based recommendations for enhancing learning. Below are some key strategies drawn from Carey's book, along with an additional tip focused on boosting your brain’s learning capacity.

1. Mix Up Your Study Routine, Locations, and Materials
Research suggests that varying your study environment—whether you’re at home, in a library, or in a different room—can enhance learning (Carey, 2014). Additionally, switching up your study time and using different tools, such as a laptop or a notebook, can further improve your learning outcomes (Carey, 2014).

2. Prioritize Quality Sleep
The timing of your sleep can influence how well you learn. For memorizing facts, such as names or dates, going to bed early and getting a full night’s rest is beneficial. For skills that involve creativity or motor functions, sleeping a bit later might be more advantageous (Carey, 2014).

3. Space Out Your Study Sessions
Instead of cramming, it’s more effective to space out your study sessions. Research shows that studying in shorter, spaced intervals enhances long-term retention compared to longer, uninterrupted sessions (Cepeda et al., 2006).

4. Beware of Cramming
While cramming might boost your performance temporarily, it’s not effective for long-term retention. Effective learning involves gradual review and practice, which helps in forming lasting memories (Ebbinghaus, 1885).

5. Use Self-Testing
Testing yourself on the material is a powerful learning strategy. This can include trying to recall information or explaining it to someone else. Self-testing helps reinforce knowledge and provides immediate feedback (Roediger & Butler, 2011).

6. Take Active Notes and Review Them
Rather than passively transcribing information, engage in active note-taking by summarizing key points. Reviewing and rewriting notes from memory strengthens your recall and comprehension (Bower, 1970).

7. Embrace Short Breaks and Distractions
Taking brief breaks when working on a challenging problem can be beneficial. These pauses allow your brain to continue processing information subconsciously, which can lead to better problem-solving (Ariga & Lleras, 2011).

8. Combine Different Learning Areas
Mixing different subjects or skills within a single study session, known as interleaved practice, can enhance learning across various domains. For example, working on math, history, and a presentation on astronomy in one session improves understanding more effectively than focusing on just one area (Rohrer & Taylor, 2007).

9. Enhance Your Brain’s Learning Capacity
The first eight tips focus on optimizing your current learning capabilities. To further improve your outcomes, consider enhancing your brain’s learning capacity. Advances in neuroscience and brain training programs suggest that you can boost cognitive functions such as memory, attention, and processing speed, making these learning strategies even more effective (Klingberg, 2010).



  1. Ariga, A., & Lleras, A. (2011). Brief lapses of attention and performance: A large-scale study. *PLoS ONE*, 6(6), e22180.
  2. Bower, G. H. (1970). Analysis of a mnemonic device. *American Journal of Psychology*, 83(1), 33-54.
  3. Carey, B. (2014). *How We Learn: The Surprising Truth About When, Where, and Why It Happens*. Random House.
  4. Cepeda, N. J., Vul, E., Rohrer, D., Wixted, J. T., & Pashler, H. (2006). Spacing effects in learning: A temporal ridgeline of optimal retention. *Psychological Science*, 17(11), 1095-1102.
  5. Ebbinghaus, H. (1885). *Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology*. (Translated by H. A. Ruger & C. E. Bussenius, 1913).
  6. Klingberg, T. (2010). Training and plasticity of working memory. *Trends in Cognitive Sciences*, 14(7), 317-324.
  7. Roediger, H. L., & Butler, A. C. (2011). The critical role of retrieval practice in long-term retention. *Trends in Cognitive Sciences*, 15(1), 20-27.
  8. Rohrer, D., & Taylor, K. (2007). The shuffling of mathematics problems enhances learning. *Instructional Science*, 35(6), 481-498.

Written by: CL Hub Team.

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